CIMA: Where business + finance meet

Management Accountants
CIMA: Where business + finance meet
CIMA identifies you as a financially trained business leader. By choosing CIMA you are taking the first step towards a dynamic rewarding career. As a business qualification it equips you with the
skills to work across all functions in the organisation, to manage and develop the business. As a guarantee of high standards, it will open doors throughout your career, and with generations of CIMA members in senior management positions, it is proven path to high achievement.
The CIMA Professional Qualification is recognised worldwide making you marketable across international boundaries and business sectors. We have developed strong relationships with key employers to ensure they recognise CIMA members as the most competent and relevant practitioners in the field of management accounting. In 176 countries, we are helping over 195,000 members, students and employers to be global winners. In an age of globalisation, our international reach and common global standards are invaluable to companies wanting to harness the potential of multinational teams. We know that a fast moving world demands financial managers who are responsive, flexible and innovative.
What makes CIMA different?
It is not just a fi nance qualifi cation. CIMA members are financially qualifi ed business leaders with a broad range of skills
to complement their fi nancial training. CIMA equips individuals with the skills to make key decisions and manage risk for the
business. Management accountants operate in both financial and non-financial roles because the experience gained through
their training enables them to take on roles across the business at all levels.
CIMA Certifi cate in Business Accounting
CIMA’s Certifi cate in Business Accounting qualifi cation is the entry level qualification designed to develop the fundamental
skills necessary for success in a rapidly changing business environment, with modules ranging from business economics and
financial accounting through to ethics, corporate governance and business law. Our qualification will give you a great opportunity to learn while you earn, all you need is a real desire to succeed in business and competence in Mathematics and English.
The CIMA qualifi cation framework and syllabus
The CIMA syllabus offers a dynamic mix of practical and strategic subjects designed to give you the cutting edge in financial
management. The levels within the qualification are progressive enabling you to obtain formal recognition after successful
completion of each stage. Each level of the qualification brings new skills and recognition, increasing your career potential and
earning capacity as you progress and gain experience.
Where business and finance meet
Businesses today require financially qualified business leaders with the strategic vision to understand the big picture and
identify factors that determine success. If you are thinking about your future and aiming to develop a truly successful and diverse career in business, the CIMA qualification can help you to achieve your career goals.
To fi nd out more about your route to becoming a Chartered Management Accountant, contact:
CIMA South Africa
T. 0861 CIMA SA/+27 11 788 8723