Books Worth Reading

Here you can find a selection of business books that are useful for a small business owner in South Africa.
“Who moved my cheese” by Spencer Johnson
This is a short, simple and fun book with an important message for those starting up a new business. Basically it will help rationalise any fears of change which are normally a major factor for small business owners, especially when they are starting out.
“Starting your own business in South Africa” by Barrie Terblanche and Guy Macleod.
This is a must have book for anyone starting a business in South Africa. Firstly its been going for several years and is regularly updated. Secondly the information is provided in a logical format that makes it easy to locate information. Thirdly it a South African book so all the tax, legislation and jargon is for South Africans. This makes it so much more useful. It is also specific to small businesses and has the “layman” in mind when explaining various aspects.
“The seven day weekend” by Ricardo Semler
Something very different. Semler puts across some very brave and novel ways of running your business. Some ideas make sense, others we would need more convincing. A good read to get those creative thoughts flowing and thinking out of the box.
“Business plan kit for dummies”
The “Dummies” series is a fantastic and simple format. They are easy to understand and useful as a reference book later on. Some of the items considered are for US markets only, but on the whole this is an invaluable guide which will help you through creating your own business plan.
“Small business management – a South African approach” by G Nieman
A book that gives the South African perspective. You should never under rate the subtleties that we have in our country that are not covered in US or European books. Text book style, ideal for students on entrepreneur type courses and for current small business managers.
“The E-Myth Revisited” by Michael E Gerber
One of the best entrepreneur books ever written. It comes strongly recommended to anyone who is thinking about starting a new business or who is currently trying to run one. The E stands for entrepreneur and so this is not a book on computers or the internet.