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Great books worth reading…

Great books worth reading…

Why you should read this book:

Sam paints a picture of the destructive path he had taken his business on and shows you why it’s so critical to lay the right foundations from the beginning. You’ll learn how to stop fire-killing and maximize your profit, create client loyalty, and create an environment where employees respect you and enjoy their work.

Why you should read this book:
You’ll gain real gems on how to run your ideal business, like finding the help you need to grow, building a team on a budget, and how to get the world talking about your brand. Plus it will inspire you to consider how you’re female entrepreneur and change agent off to move mountains and shape a better world.

Why you should read this book:
It’s a staple on your book shelf that you can refer back to anytime you’re feeling lost or unclear on what you’re actually doing. It helped me a lot during the launch of my products and services and around establishing my Suitcase Entrepreneur brand. It’s also a very positive and inspiring read (or you can listen to the audio series).

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