VWSA employee amongst the best

VWSA employee amongst best apprentices honoured by Volkswagen Group
- “Best Apprentice Award 2015” for 45 young talents from 19 countries on five continents
- Chemical Engineer Sinazo Cebisa represents VWSA in Germany
The Volkswagen Group recently presented its “Best Apprentice Awards 2015” to young top achievers from all over the world at Group headquarters in Wolfsburg. The awards went to 45 apprentices from 19 countries on five continents. The award-winners demonstrated convincing performance and specialist competence during their apprenticeships. Throughout the world, the Volkswagen Group is training about 20 000 young people.
The awards were presented by the Chairman of the Board of Management of VW AG, Matthias Müller, the Member of the Board of Management responsible for Human Resources, Organization and IT, Dr. Horst Neumann and the President of the Global Group Works Council, Bernd Osterloh.
Müller said: “I am impressed by the competence of our young talents. We are honouring the best of our best apprentices from the group. During their training, these young women and men have convinced us by their outstanding commitment, excellent specialist knowledge and special skills. Excellent specialists like these will reinforce our international team. We are working together today to achieve success tomorrow.”
Dr. Neumann said: “Specialist knowledge and skills lay the foundation for professional success and personal development opportunities. This is why we place such emphasis on a first-class vocational training, with closer links between theory and practice, at Volkswagen. Most of our 20,000 apprentices around the world are training on the basis of the dual vocational training principle, which we continue through further vocational training in our professional families.”
This year’s “Best Apprentice Award” was the 15th of its kind presented by the Volkswagen Group, and a total of 386 apprentices have been honoured since 2001.
“VWSA is proud of Sinazo’s achievement. This is in recognition of our company’s investment in its younger employees with the flagship Volkswagen Graduate Trainee programme being one of the ways in which we train our young people of which Sinazo was also part of,” said VWSA MD Thomas Schaefer.
“This is the fifth year in a row that VWSA’s apprentices have been honoured at this prestigious event,” concluded Schaefer
Best Apprentice Award 2015 – The award winner Sinazo Cebisa, Chemical Engineer (Volkswagen of South Africa, Uitenhage) with (from left to right) Bernd Osterloh (President of the Global Group Works Council), Matthias Müller (Chairman of the Board of Management of VWAG) and Dr. Horst Neumann (Member of the Board of Management responsible for Human Resources, Organization and IT).